To all my single brothers and sisters out there, the time for settling for just any old thing in a "relationship" is over. We are called to be the righteousness of God and if the significant other in our lives can not see that in us then maybe they shouldn't be all that significant. Ladies/ Men if your boo only calls you in the morning and texts you in the evening but you just can't call them when you get ready and you have to wait for their call then something is definitely up. Ten to one they have another other on the side who is more significant than you are and they don't want them to know about you.
If they treat you real sweet like in private but act like strangers in public you need step back and evaluate. We have to be the same always and if you can hold my hand in the bedroom then you can hold my hand at church!
If he/she tells you they are only in the relationship for the kids that is a bold faced lie from the pit of hell! They are in that relationship because they want to be in it. Folk walking around here with 20 year old grown children and lying to you and themselves about why they still in a relationship.
God says stop giving your treasure to the trash man/woman. They will never appreciate it! End of discussion, that's it, aint no more! They are not going to suddenly wake up and realize that you are the best thing since sliced bread, they should have known that from the jump! And please stop trying to convince yourselves that you have heard from the Lord and He wants you to save this person, that's His job, not yours! Amen? Amen.
If your boo ain't really your boo and you know they ain't your boo then why are you still dealing with them?
If he/she is whispering sweet nothings in your ear you have to recognize that what they are saying is just that, NOTHING! If they can't back it up with action (I don't mean sex) then it's just a lot of smoke to keep you from demanding more.
Don't fall for the I want to love you but I'm afraid of getting hurt line, you can always respond with , "that's funny since you seem to have no problems hurting me."
Know when you are being abused, they may never lay hand to you, but emotionally you are getting your tail whooped! All those highs and lows they taking you through are leaving scars, tearing down your confidence, making you think it's you not them when it really is them. If you wake up one morning and your chest aching but the doctors don't know why then it's time look at that supposedly "loving relationship". Real love does not intentionally seek to destroy, maim, hurt or kill. It encourages, strengthens and lifts. Real love says I may be upset with you but I'm not going to leave you for somebody else I'm going to make this work because I want to be with you. real love says I'm not looking to see what I can get out of this thing but what I can bring to enhance it. real loves says I'm praying for you because I want you to have everything that God has for you, real love says I don't need to have sex with you to express how I feel for you. If they can only be with you secretly then don't be with them at all. You are nothing to be ashamed of!!
People of God, we deserve the real thing! We have to be ok with being alone, cuz for real you aren't really alone, the Lord told you He would be with you always. We need to stop being so desperate and allowing the enemy to tell us that this person is our last shot. Don't believe the hype! God would never give you someone who is going to systematically destroy who He is trying to help you become.
Let go of that hurtful, painful relationship! Ask God to deliver you from the enemy, even if the enemy is you. Tell Him you only want the good things that He has in store for you, that your ready to walk away from what looks good to what is good!
Believe me once you come to the realization that you deserve more, then the load of carrying this thing around can be finally lifted! I'm a living witness!
I Love you and I pray God's blessings on you.
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